In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have created and adopted updated standards surrounding sanitation and cleanliness at Lax. Retreat. The standards below were created based on current guidance and orders from local, state, and federal health officials. By implementing these standards, we hope to create a healthy and safe environment for our Lax.perts and our guests. These standards are in addition to any of the Standards of Practices previously in effect, and are subject to change based on any future guidance or regulation from healthcare officials.
Guest Expectations:
Guest waivers must be completed prior to your visit.
Temperature screen required for all guests at entry.
Sanitize hands upon entering and exiting all areas of boutique.
Mandatory hand-washing before all treatments.
Masks required at all times inside the boutique including during body and nail treatments.
Practice social distancing while in Lax. Retreat.
Please stay home if feeling unwell or exhibiting any symptoms of illness.
All employees to attend training workshop on sanitation protocols prior to returning to work.
Meet, monitor and (where possible) exceed guidance and regulations from local, state and federal health officials.
Elevated cleaning & sanitization standards:
- Weekly staff COVID-19 self-testing
- Increased store ventilation & air flow
- Use of EPA/FDA registered disinfectants for all cleaning
- Added time before and after each service to properly sanitize
- All products and tools used will be sanitised after each use
- Daily thorough sanitisation in all areas using hopsital-grade disinfectant
- Disinfect tools in UV steriliser
- HEPA Air & anti-bacterial purification systems installed for treatment room and guest areas
- Acrylic partition to limit face-to-face contact
- Hand sanitizer units throughout the boutique and each treatment room
- Employee temperature and health screening prior to the start of every shift
- Employees required to wear a mask at all times
- Occupancy limitations in place with more recovery time between each service to minimize and regulate guest traffic
- Use of disposable gloves, aprons & non-woven covers on beds & seats for treatment areas.